"Nana" is a powerful and intimate feature-length documentary that takes viewers on a deeply emotional journey into the life of a passionate, strict, and aging matriarch. As the film unfolds, we witness the challenges and struggles she faces in keeping her home together.
With her son returning from jail and her grandchildren rebelling fiercely, Nana finds herself grappling with the complexities of family dynamics while her own health begins to deteriorate. Through a cinema-vérité style approach, the documentary captures the raw reality of their daily lives, offering an unfiltered glimpse into their triumphs, conflicts, and tender moments.
"Nana" is a poignant exploration of the delicate balance between life and death, as the family experiences both the blossoming of new beginnings and the poignant reminders of mortality. Through its heartfelt storytelling and unflinching honesty, the documentary invites audiences to reflect on the resilience of the human spirit, the complexities of family bonds, and the power of love in the face of adversity.
Director: Dayne Hudson - House: Calligraphy Films - Year of production: 2022-2023